Friday, August 29, 2014

Pre-semester hick ups

I expect to have some give and take as I sprint through my program. I however can't stand when the powers that be change our classroom meeting days 1 week before class starts and when book lists don't match teacher vs school bookstore. I wrote that somewhat confusingly because that is exactly what it is. CONFUSING!

Friday, August 22, 2014

First semester is over

My first semester is over. It was so busy that I neither had time or the brain to login here to write a post.

With no exaggeration my schedule for the first semester went:
Mon: quiz, Tuesday: quiz, Wed: quiz, Thurs: quiz, Fri: quiz...(followed by) Mon thru Fri Tests and it seesawd back and forth like that until finals. 

Many of my predecessors had said at about week 2 people would start to go crazy. I've been through some crazy things in my life and first career plus I already have a college degree so I figured it going crazy wouldn't be me. Ha!  Yes me. Week 2 day 2 or 3 I had a mental break. People close to me in class noticed and encouraged me to decompress that night. So, my break was one day. 

Our program made just about everyone break. Some longer than others but accelerated nursing school is no joke.